Marijuana Addiction Treatment Centers & Detox Facilities: Outpatient vs Inpatient Rehab Program Options

The things you need to know about cannabis abuse & addiction signs, symptoms, withdrawals, detoxification, effects and the various treatment options such as the short or long term outpatient and inpatient rehab programs

Outpatient or inpatient marijuana rehab programs are real.

We say this because a lot of do not believe that marijuana is addictive so there is no need for a rehabilitation center.

The truth is that developing an addiction to marijuana can happen much faster than many people may realize.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted to it. And those who started using it before they turned 18, the chances of them getting addicted is 1 to 6.

This shows that marijuana even though popular and easily accessible can still be abused and be addicted to like any other drug.

The good news is that there are many outpatient and inpatient marijuana addiction rehab centers that can help.

So seeking help is important. If not an individuals marijuana addiction can have many negative effects like respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases and mental health conditions such as anxiety, dependence, and even schizophrenia.  

Short & long term outpatient and residential marijuana treatment facilities are equipped with many programs to help those that have this type of drug addiction problem.

On this article, we will be sharing some helpful information to help you understand this drug use disorder better and the number to call to be connected with a rehab center.

What is marijuana and is it addictive?

Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers or stems of the Cannabis plant. It is a psychoactive drug, meaning that it produces alterations in the users’ perception, cognition, mood, and consciousness.

The feeling of euphoria or high occurs because marijuana contains the chemical compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Some common names for marijuana are “weed”, “pot” or “bud”. The common form of consumption of marijuana is by rolling the dried leaves of the cannabis plant and smoking it as you would a cigarette.  

When smoked in this form, it is known as a “joint”. It can also be consumed as an edible.

It can be consumed as an addition to brownies, also known as ‘hash brownies’.

Marijuana is also available in the form of oils and wax.

So is marijuana addictive?

Attitude towards marijuana use has become more tolerant and permissive, even encouraging, today.

There are many vehement advocates of marijuana who state that the drug causes little or no addiction and dependence like other drugs.

However, scientific research has shown that dependence on marijuana is fairly similar to dependence on other substances.

Moreover, around 9 percent of users develop an addiction, and the risk is higher if marijuana abuse begins during adolescence.

The main psychoactive substance in marijuana is THC. THC enters the bloodstream, either through the lungs when it is smoked, or through the digestive system when it is ingested.

It usually takes around 30 minutes for the feelings of euphoria to emerge.

However, the effect is faster when ingested as compared to when it is smoked.

When THC enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain it then activates certain receptors in the brain.

THC has the ability to interact with these receptors and alters mood and cognition.

It also indirectly increases the level of dopamine in the body.  

Regular users of marijuana may develop a tolerance to the substance over time.

This means that the substance no longer has the same effect on the body as it did when they first started using it and a higher amount of the substance is required to experience the same high.

This may eventually lead to marijuana dependence, meaning the person’s brain gets used to having THC.

So when the chemical is no longer available to the brain, i.e. when a person stops consuming marijuana, the body begins to crave the drug and experiences withdrawals.  

This is also referred to as Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome.

The symptoms of withdrawal include craving, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, irritability, and dysphoria. The person feels that they need marijuana to survive and so they continue to use it despite all the negative symptoms.

If you or someone you know is abusing cannabis then it is time to reach out to an outpatient or inpatient marijuana addiction treatment center.

The different signs of marijuana addiction 

Signs that a person is abusing marijuana are evident to those near them. Some of the signs include:

  • Red eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Concentration or memory problems
  • Increase in appetite
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Loss of perception of time
  • Paranoid thoughts
  • Weakened coordination

The different signs and symptoms mentioned above are common for users, and may not necessarily indicate addiction.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a person with cannabis addiction or cannabis use disorder will present at least two of the following 11 symptoms:

  1. Loss of control over the amount of marijuana consumed and the duration for which it is consumed.
  2. Unable to control or reduce cannabis use, despite the desire and effort to do so.
  3. A lot of time and energy is spent on obtaining and using cannabis.
  4. Increase in cravings of cannabis.
  5. Impairment in social, occupational or personal life due to recurrent cannabis use.
  6. Persistent use of cannabis despite interpersonal problems caused by cannabis use.
  7. Important hobbies and social activities are scaled down or canceled to instead use cannabis.
  8. Continuing to use cannabis in physically hazardous situations.
  9. Unable to stop using cannabis despite knowing about the physical and psychological problems that may arise.
  10. Tolerance is built up whereby the same amount of cannabis has diminished effects over time and more cannabis is required to achieve feelings of intoxication.
  11. Symptoms of withdrawal, whereby a person experiences negative effects like anxiety, depression, fever, headaches, restlessness, and insomnia upon stopping the use of cannabis.

At least two of the above 11 symptoms must be present in the same 12-month period for a person to be diagnosed with cannabis use disorder. The more symptoms are experienced, the more severe the disorder.

Marijuana users may observe some of these symptoms, but many cannot draw the line between casual recreational use and addiction. It is important to recognize and keep track of whether the person is falling into addiction.

Often the person who is addicted may not realize or acknowledge that the consumption of marijuana is problematic and is taking the shape of a clinical disorder.

If notice a loved one displaying some of the different signs and symptoms of addiction to cannabis then it is time to get professional help from the right marijuana treatment facility.

The different effects of marijuana abuse 

There are many effects to marijuana abuse which can lead to some serious health issues, especially if one doesn’t get into a rehabilitation program at one of the marijuana treatment centers all over the country.

Increasing the use of cannabis during late adolescence and early adulthood is often correlated with an array of negative outcomes.

According to a research published on Pubmed.GOV  using high amounts of marijuana is often associated with poor academic results, decreased income, unemployment, increased welfare dependence, poor interpersonal relationships, and low life satisfaction.

The following are some adverse effects of marijuana abuse:

  • Marijuana abuse can affect the development of the brain, especially during the prenatal period, if the pregnant mother is using marijuana and during the adolescent period. The brain is continuously developing from the prenatal through to the adolescent period and during this time it is more vulnerable to risk factors than an adult brain. Adults who started smoking marijuana in adolescence are found to have damaged neural connectivity.  This can result in poor functioning of the brain in areas responsible for alertness, awareness, executive control, learning, and memory.
  • Regular use of marijuana is related to an increased risk of mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and even psychoses, such as is found in patients suffering from schizophrenia. This risk is even greater in people with a genetic vulnerability or predisposition to these mental illnesses.
  • Marijuana addiction critically affects school performance in adolescence and can lead to poor lifetime achievement as the teen advances into adulthood. Marijuana impairs critical cognitive and executive functions and affects the ability to learn and remember information. Moreover, the addiction may lead to a preoccupation with obtaining and using the drug, leading to anti-social behaviors.
  • Marijuana abusers are frequently implicated in impaired driving and road accidents, including fatal accidents. This is because exposure to marijuana, both immediate and long-term, impairs driving ability.
  • Marijuana abuse, especially smoking, has been linked to the risk of cancer and other lung diseases, such as bronchitis. Smoking marijuana causes inflammation of the airways, which means there is less air able to pass through the lungs. The immunity of the respiratory system is also affected in marijuana smokers which can lead to pneumonia and other respiratory infections. Marijuana abuse has also been associated with cardiovascular disease.

How short term or long term marijuana treatment process works

According to an article by Norman S.Miller-MD, Mark S.Gold-MD, and A.CarterPottash-MD, published on the ScienceDirect, marijuana dependence disorder has a pathological approach which needs psychologists, counselors, physicians and social workers to treat it.

Marijuana treatment plans vary in different marijuana rehab programs.

These programs vary depending on the patient’s condition and circumstances.

Each addiction is treated as unique at these addiction treatment facilities.

You can contact any short or long term treatment facility for marijuana addiction to learn what to expect in the treatment process.

In general, drug rehab programs go through the following process.

  • An evaluation of the patient’s intake and addiction status. This information is used to formulate a treatment plan that is customized to each patient.
  • Detox program.
  • Therapy for your addiction.
  • Addressing and taking care of physical, emotional and mental health issues.
  • Planning for aftercare, to avoid relapse to marijuana abuse once the residential treatment is over.

Marijuana detox programs and withdrawal symptoms

The body gets used to having marijuana in it when the drug use is prolonged.

When you stop providing it with the substance, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.

This is your body asking for more of the substance. Symptoms of withdrawals include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Stomach cramps
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drastic weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia

Professional marijuana detox is recommended to help people deal with withdrawals during the stoppage of the drug.

Detox programs for marijuana treatment help people to slowly let go of their desire for the substance until it is completely flushed from their body.

This helps in reducing the intensity of withdrawals.

After the withdrawals are controlled, the person may be guided through a de-addiction treatment as required.

The inpatient or outpatient drug detoxification is usually the first step to the treatment of this type of drug use disorder. 

Let us look at some of the detox programs that may be used to clean your system off THC:

  • Medical detox: This is when detox is done by qualified medical professionals who supervise the patient and may use medications to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Accelerated detox: In accelerated detox programs for marijuana addiction treatment, withdrawals are rapidly induced through supervised remedial administration of the addictive agent, while simultaneously providing sedatives to reduce the patient’s discomfort.
  • THC Rapid detox: This is an inpatient detox. Rapid detox is a detoxification process during which a patient is given sedation, followed by a drug that causes the onset of withdrawal. Both of these are given orally. The process can last from 6 to 72 hours, during which the patient is sleeping or sedated. Rapid detox must be conducted by professional medical personnel. Rapid detox can flush the system in a few hours, as compared to other detox programs that can last for a few weeks. It is especially beneficial for people who have failed to recover using conventional detox programs. It quickly and significantly reduces the discomfort of withdrawals.
  • Holistic detox: This detox addresses both the mind and body. It doesn’t mean that medication is not used. In this detox yoga, counseling, meditation, medications et cetera are used.
  • Cold turkey: This is when the person stops using the drug suddenly without any medication to help with withdrawal symptoms. This is not recommended as it is extremely dangerous.
  • Drug tapering: This is basically when one uses the drug less and less over a period in order to reduce withdrawal symptom severity.
  • Natural detox: The person designs to detox naturally at a set time by using natural herbs like tea et cetera.

We highly recommend that you get your detox from one of the professional marijuana treatment centers spread across the as trying to detox on your own without medical professionals supervision is dangerous.

Inpatient/residential marijuana addiction treatment centers

In order to cure or manage your cannabis addiction, you can opt for an inpatient marijuana rehab program.

Some of the advantages of inpatient marijuana treatments are:

  • You can be under the direct supervision of trained medical professionals at all times.
  • You can access medical care when you need it.
  • There is a restriction on how much access you have to marijuana.
  • You can get immediate access to emotional and psychological help when you need it.
  • It will help you live in a structured environment with a structured schedule, so you can resume a normal life.
  • The services you receive in a qualified residential treatment facility for marijuana addiction are confidential and private.

Residential marijuana addiction treatment centers offer the option of customizing the length of your marijuana use disorder rehabilitation to suit your needs and abilities.

Residential rehab centers typically last between 1 – 6 months. You must understand there is a chance of relapsing after treatment, as addiction is a chronic condition.

Outpatient marijuana addiction treatment centers

Outpatient marijuana treatment centers offer cannabis rehab services while allowing you to continue with your daily life.

You can live in your own house or halfway home and continue your lifestyle while receiving rehab services.

The program is less intense than others and you can learn how to get over the addiction without intense supervision.

Patients are not required to live at the treatment facility and they are free to continue with their work and social life.

However, it is extremely vital that the patient’s home environment is stable and supportive if the treatment is to be successful.

Generally, outpatient treatment programs are used as a follow-up to inpatient programs, although many people also use them as their main rehab program.

Patients who are well on their way to recovery may also use outpatient programs as a way to maintain abstinence from marijuana.

Some facilities suggest a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP).

In a PHP, individuals are provided treatment during the day at the facility and are allowed to go back to their home at night. This is a full-time program like the inpatient program except that the patient goes home after each treatment session.

You also have the Intensive Outpatient Program(IOP) which is an outpatient program that is more hours and days than the regular outpatient. This program can be 4 to 6 hours per session for about 3 to 5 days a week.

Although outpatient programs are great for saving time and money, you must talk to an addiction clinic to help you decide whether it will be effective for you based on your addiction symptoms, other conditions and factors.  

Program duration for both detoxification and rehabilitation programs

Rehab programs often combine detox programs for marijuana treatment with therapy and classes. Some programs are lengthy, however, lengthy programs may not be feasible for everyone. The amount of time you dedicate to the treatment depends on the following factors:

  • How severe is the addiction?
  • Is there a need for detox?
  • Do you have and can you use the insurance?
  • Are you able to pay for the program, if insurance is not an option?
  • What medical or mental health issues need to be addressed?


Marijuana addiction rehab services are generally designed for the following short term or long term time spans:

  • 28-days
  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • 90 days
  • Long-term recovery (90-120 days and beyond)

Below are a little more

  • The 28 & 30-day drug use disorder treatment programs

A 28 or 30-day program is often recommended to first-time patients who do not know how long they may be required to receive the treatment. A 28-day drug use disorder treatment program offers sufficient time to recover from withdrawal symptoms and allows you to start practicing relapse prevention methods.

Because of the short time period, some patients find it easier to commit to a 28 or 30-day program. The cost of the 28 and 30-day periods is also affordable, so insurance will most likely cover the cost.

In a 60-day program, you have sufficient time for detox treatment as well as therapy and counseling sessions to help you navigate through the home, family, personal or situational conditions that may aggravate your addiction.

You have more time to complete a full detox and also establish positive habits to help you abstain from the drug.

A 90-day program may not seem like a feasible option at first. However, the longer your treatment program is, the lesser the chance of relapse.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that a 90-day residential treatment program offers the highest chance for sustained success.

A 90-day program includes evaluation, detox treatment, therapy, self-help groups, and an aftercare plan.

It provides you ample time to let go of your addiction and prepare for a life without marijuana. This program is especially recommended for those who have severe addictions or long-term addictions.


When it comes for detox there are the 3-10 day drug detox program options. The length of the detoxification of marijuana from one’s system is dependent on how severe the addiction to the drug is.

Marijuana rehab cost

The cost of marijuana treatment plays a huge role in deciding which type of treatment to enter and for how long. The cost of treatment generally depends on:

  • Type of facility
  • Location of the facility
  • Duration of the treatment
  • Treatments provided
  • Amenities offered

Generally, inpatient marijuana addiction treatment can cost between $6,000 and $27,000 for a 30-day program. And you can use private, Medicaid, Medicare, military, and state insurance to pay for your treatment. 

An insurance plan may not cover the cost of a full marijuana program, especially if it’s a long term program like an inpatient 60-day or 90-day program that can reach $80,000 in a popular rehabilitation center.

What are my options for paying for a facility service?

Paying for a marijuana rehab facility is always one of the challenges that a lot of people have. This a lot of time prevent people from seeking help.

If your insurance will not cover 100% of your treatment or do not have a private plan or employer insurance from your employer, you have few options to use to get drug help.

The good news is that some cannabis addiction treatment clinics offer the option of making smaller monthly payments.

There are also medical loans such as Care Credit and Prosper Health Care Loans that one can apply to and if approved can be used to pay for their drug addiction treatment.

If though not all facilities accept Medicare and Medicaid you can use that too. If you contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration(SAMHSA), they may be able to connect you with providers that accept government insurance.

Other options to paying for rehab is to borrow from friends, apply for substance abuse grants and scholarships.

As you can see there are many options for paying for a marijuana rehab center program. Do not let drug treatment cost prevent you from living a sober free life.

Time to speak with a professional

It is important to remember that the price paid for not treating addiction is much greater than the expense you will incur in treating it.

It could cost you your job, your health, and your family and friends.

So if you or a loved one is going through a cannabis use disorder then it is time to call to be connected with one of the residential or outpatient marijuana addiction treatment centers today at 866-579-8780.

Contacting the above number is free.

No charges to you for calling the number to be connected with a marijuana rehabilitation professional.

Updated on December 3rd, 2019